
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Violence in Video Games...again

It seems that whenever children do violent and stupid things, the first thing that the media points to is video games. For example, the recent Mortal Kombat story. From what I understand, a girl and her boyfriend were baby-sitting her younger sister and she pretty much stood there and watched while her boyfriend beat the kid to death. Now, I'm not a betting man, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and bet that the popular media isn't gonna latch on to the fact that the guy was drunk and a trained martial artist. Instead, they're going to say, "Oh, Mortal Kombat made him do it. Ban violent video games." I hope I'm wrong, but from the title of the article, I doubt it.

In less grim, but equally stupid news, it appears that
Activision won't allow its Guitar Hero III controllers to work with Rock Band without monetary compensation
. I understand that it doesn't make sense from a business standpoint to let your hardware work with your competitor's software, but making consumers buy different guitar peripherals for different games on the same system is ridiculous and doesn't exactly win the hearts and minds of gamers everywhere. Activision is painting itself into a corner next to EA with crap like this.

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