
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Literary References in Lost

This post is going to have heavy spoilers for the Lost season finale. If you haven't seen it yet, read ahead at your own risk.

The day after every episode of Lost airs I tend to head over to Lostpedia and read about the latest fan theories based on the information revealed in the most recent episode. One thing that I always find interesting is the literary references that they cram into every episode. Some of them are a stretch, but the sheer quantity of them leads me to think that most of them are not a mere accident. The one reference that I found on Lostpedia for the finale was the following:

The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring: Jacob's "They are coming" is the same phrase found in the Book of Mazarbul, found and read by the Fellowship in the Chamber of Mazarbul in Moria. Shortly after reading this account of the demise of the Dwarves of Moria, the Fellowship loses one of their company when Gandalf is dragged into a chasm by the whip of a Balrog, a scene which Juliet's own fall recalls.

That's really cool and even if it's an accident, it's interesting that someone was astute enough to make that connection.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance Trailer

A new trailer was recently released for the new Evangelion movie and it's definitely got me excited about it again. I just hope that the pilot of EVA-05 isn't batshit crazy. That series could use a sane, well-adjusted, female character.

In WoW news, I got my 2v2 rating up to 1250 last night and was able to purchase the Deadly Gladiator's Libram of Fortitude. For those that don't know what this does, it grants 120 attack power for 10 seconds every time I use Crusader Strike, an ability with only a 6 second cooldown. This means that as long as I'm not crowd controlled and can keep swinging, I always have this extra buff. Not a bad upgrade for both PvE and PvP after only 2 weeks of arena matches.

Monday, May 11, 2009

3D Realms closes

The brains behind the decade-long production of the fabled Duke Nukem Forever is closing shop. Tis a sad day for gaming.

In WoW news, I got my 2v2 team to 1200 and the week still isn't over so I might get even higher, who knows? For any paladins out there still using Seal of Command for PvP, stop right now. I switched over to Seal of Blood and the self damage is negligible, even on a team with no healer. Just keep Sacred Shield up and use those Art of War procs when your abilities are on cooldown and you'll mitigate more than enough of the damage to yourself to blow someone up without killing yourself first.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Long time no see

So, I know it's been almost 2 months since I've updated, but I have a perfectly good explanation for that...actually, I don't, there's just nothing terribly exciting happening.

Patch 3.1 for World of Warcraft launched about a month ago and the Argent Tournament and Ulduar have been eating my soul. However, it's good times and if you quit playing this god-forsaken game a long time ago, I highly suggest you take another look at it. It's still as addicting as ever and it's being made even moreso as they keep changing all the little annoying things that have been in the game since its launch 4 years(?) ago. It's a good game and they only keep making it better, it's uncanny.

For those who may be curious about how far through Ulduar I've gotten, our guild has cleared through Auriaya on 25-man and we're on Yogg-Saron on 10-man.

Also, I've started twittering. If you feel the need or desire to read my inane thoughts you can check that out at twitter.com/joecheez.