Well, it's been a long time since my last post and I can't exactly say I've been too busy. I guess I was just occupied doing other things and completely forget about this little side project. However, I'm back and alot has changed since my last post. The first thing you'll notice is that I scrapped my site and have decided to just have the blog. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, I am no longer affiliated with Miami University (nor will I likely be in the near future). So, the free web hosting that I had there will expire as soon as the next batch of account terminations goes through and I don't really feel like paying for web hosting at this time. Secondly, I can get almost all the same functionality here with less effort, minus the music player, so why not save myself the trouble.
The site revamp aside, alot has happened since my last update. I've had a 3 month job at the Miami University IT Support Desk. I then moved out of Oxford, OH back to Shorewood, IL to live with my parents for 2 months. Currently, I have a job supporting a new VoIP system for Chicago Public Schools and am looking forward to moving into my apartment in Chicago next month.
One thing that was great about these last few months of unemployment (besides, ya know, not working) was the endless hours of the day available for quality anime watching. So, while I may have abandoned the blog for the last several months, I have a great backlog of anime to share vicariously with any visitors. ^_^
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