So, as the post below says, I've had some Internet problems. The first problem in this tragic tale is that Comcast couldn't come out to my apartment until September 9th. Since I moved in the weekend of the 1st, this was a little over a week without Internet. Shitty, but not the end of the world. On the day of my appointment, the technician arrives and we go through setting everything up, but for whatever reason I can't send upstream traffic. So, she decides she wants to go out and check the box and/or replace the line to my apartment. This would be well and good if the cable connection box weren't on a boarded up alley that you can't access. So with no means of fixing the problem, she left and I canceled my Comcast account.
So, I decided to give AT&Ts DSL a try, but that would take another week and after setting up the shipping address as my apartment, I realized that there was no way I would be here to get it. So, I called back the next day trying to change my shipping address and then they told me that they couldn't change the address until after first delivery. The only problem with this was that I had no idea when first delivery would be because I had no tracking number and no way of them leaving a sticker on my door because I live in an apartment building. This, of course, resulted in me having to call back AT&T multiple times to try and change the address, which I did eventually get changed to my work address. After that, things were fairly downhill aside from some minor registration problems and a telephone cable shorter than my arm span...But I have internet access now and It's working wonderfully...it only took 3 and a half weeks...