
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm kind of a big deal on the Internet...

On the night of the Wrath of the Lich King release I (and many other nerds) met up with one of the WoW Insider guys at a bar named Duffy's in Chicago where we nerded out about WoW while waiting for the midnight release. Well, apparently someone was snapping pictures when I wasn't looking and I've been immortalized on the Internet...go me. I'm the guy right in the center with the orange shirt. If I look unhappy to be there, it's because the music was obnoxiously loud. Credit for finding the picture goes to my friend Sam; he's in the bottom left corner in the leather jacket and Psychonia of my life as a cartoon is in the back-right corner of the photo, sitting to my left.

I also saw this interesting article on FileFront this morning that points out the scary similarities between Robo's theme from Chrono Trigger and Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley, along with an accompanying mash-up video.

Also, the Sonic Unleashed Demo hit Xbox Live this morning and I need to find time to play it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm not dead yet...

So, the NXE didn't brick my box or anything, but it is a little excessive and confusing. I haven't used it for any considerable amount of time though, honestly. World of Warcraft is still eating my time. Gearing up a tank is a pain in the ass and you have to do it quickly enough to meet people's expectations, regardless of how absurd they are. People will only tolerate wiping so much before finding another tank and not bothering to give you another chance.

Also, I finished an anime called Claymore over Thanksgiving. It's nothing particularly special, but if you're in the mood for fan service, gore, and over-the-top action, this is for you. It's not a bad anime by any means, just the epitome of mediocrity.