
Thursday, November 20, 2008

The New Xbox 360 Experience

So, the new Xbox experience has launched and while I haven't yet booted up my system to see how the upgrade goes (WotLK is eating my soul) I have heard mixed reports of how the upgrade has gone. Microsoft has reported some problems, mostly with the Marketplace, and Gabe of Penny Arcade is complaining that his box keeps freezing when he tries to open his friends list. The former is an annoyance, the latter is game breaking. We shall see how my own experience with the Experience goes.

One other thing that I found interesting about the upgrade is that it allows games to be installed to the HDD so that the disk doesn't need to be read. This is great since you could easily confuse the sound of the disc drive spinning with a passenger jet landing in your living room, but surprisingly this can also lead to a decrease in performance for some games. For example, Bungie made a post on their website actually advising against doing so for this very reason. Hopefully, this feature is better supported for future games because frankly, the noise of the Xbox 360 hard drive is just ridiculous and the ability to mute it most if not all of the time would be wonderful.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Halo 3 Recon

So, there's a little bit of new information about the design of Halo 3: Recon. Apparently there's going to be several story arcs with different main characters all linked together by the main story of the primary character. It sounds more confusing than it is. Follow the link. Also, the new episode of Gundam 00 should be out soon...hopefully.

P.S. I have my Mac, it's super sexy, and Wrath of the Lich King is fucking awesome.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sonic Unleashed, lookin' better and better

So SEGA has unleashed two new trailers for Sonic Unleashed (c what i did thar?) and it just keeps looking more and more must-have. I'm looking forward to it.

Also, my MacBook is shipping from Shanghai, China. Who knew?

Friday, November 7, 2008

MacBook Pro

So, I placed my order for a new 15-inch MacBook Pro earlier this morning. I upgraded to 2-3 day shipping, but with Veteran's Day on Tuesday that only leaves 2 business days before Wrath of the Lich King releases. If it ships today, I should be ok, but if it doesn't ship until Monday, I might be shit out of luck as far as having it for my LAN party. Cross your fingers for me...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gundam 00 S2 episode 5

Menclave released Gundam 00 S2 episode 5 recently. It's awesome. Go watch it.

Also, I fully realize that my last 3 posts have only been Gundam 00 release announcements. There's just nothing else too exciting to report at the moment...except for Obama winning that whole election thing (thank god), but I'm sure you knew that.