Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Street Fighter IV anime
Friday, September 26, 2008
Max Payne Gamers' Cut?

So, John Moore has managed to secure a PG-13 rating for the Max Payne movie. He previously had a disagreement with the MPAA, which had originally given it an R rating, stating that it was no more violent than the recent Dark Knight film that got a PG-13 rating. After trimming some frames, the MPAA reconsidered it's decision and gave it a PG-13 rating. What I'm more interested in though is his decision to include a "Gamers' Cut" in the DVD release. Apparently, it will re-introduce a small bit of the violence, but more importantly it will also re-introduce some of the more atmospheric pieces that are being omitted for the theater release to the brain-dead shoot 'em up masses. If I'm interpreting this correctly, the "Gamer's Cut" should be much more the film noir story of the game than the theater release will be.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Prepare to Drop
At 7:07:07 this morning, Bungie released a new teaser for...something. No one really knows what the hell it's a teaser for at the moment, but there is a Halo 3 logo at the end which leads me to believe that it's either new content for the game or a new game that's a closely related tie-in. We shall see... Also, Jack Thompson was officially and permanently disbarred today, not that anyone really took him seriously in the first place. At least now the courts don't have to entertain his outlandish drivel.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
New Halo 3 Achievements and Fable 2

So, Halo 3's got some new Achievements that just went out a couple days ago and I think the way that they keep adding content and motivation to a console game is great. Usually, when you buy a console game, you pay your 60 bucks and don't expect anything else beyond that. It's nice to get something out or your $50/year Xbox Live subscription beyond the ability to play online, which in this day and age is taken for granted. While I understand that this is more of a hook to get people to buy the Legendary Map Pack than anything else, it's a good one and I'm thrilled that Bungie is still putting a great deal of effort into their game a full year after its initial release.
In other news, Fable 2 went gold sometime in the last few days. While the first one was a disappointment, it was by no means bad. It was over-hyped and alot of the features Lionhead wanted were cut before the finished product went out the door, so the game was much less ground-breaking than was promised, but it was still good. Thankfully, the hype train this time around has been toned down a bit and while I still don't think they're really pushing the limits on anything, I think it will at least be a solid successor to the first installment of the series, which is quite enough for me.
Monday, September 22, 2008
My Internet story...

So, as the post below says, I've had some Internet problems. The first problem in this tragic tale is that Comcast couldn't come out to my apartment until September 9th. Since I moved in the weekend of the 1st, this was a little over a week without Internet. Shitty, but not the end of the world. On the day of my appointment, the technician arrives and we go through setting everything up, but for whatever reason I can't send upstream traffic. So, she decides she wants to go out and check the box and/or replace the line to my apartment. This would be well and good if the cable connection box weren't on a boarded up alley that you can't access. So with no means of fixing the problem, she left and I canceled my Comcast account.
So, I decided to give AT&Ts DSL a try, but that would take another week and after setting up the shipping address as my apartment, I realized that there was no way I would be here to get it. So, I called back the next day trying to change my shipping address and then they told me that they couldn't change the address until after first delivery. The only problem with this was that I had no idea when first delivery would be because I had no tracking number and no way of them leaving a sticker on my door because I live in an apartment building. This, of course, resulted in me having to call back AT&T multiple times to try and change the address, which I did eventually get changed to my work address. After that, things were fairly downhill aside from some minor registration problems and a telephone cable shorter than my arm span...But I have internet access now and It's working wonderfully...it only took 3 and a half weeks...