Fair warning: this is going to be a long post. So, I started and finished Mass Effect in about 20 hours. This playthrough included mostly just the main story and some of the
most obvious side quests. The story is great and the style is very cinematic on the whole and makes you feel like you're playing a movie. The added touch that every single line of
dialogue in the game is voice acted is the icing on the cake for me. That's why I bought this game and part of the reason I'm playing through again, the spoken dialogue is just so
well done. However, I will admit that for most of both my playthroughs I've played on Casual because dying repeatedly after unskippable cutscenes is annoying, especially on your
first playthrough when you're anxious to move the story along. Overall, it exceeded my expectations and I'm currently working on additional playthroughs for Achievements.
In addition to Mass Effect I also picked up the Halo 3 Soundtrack on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and it is also just as incredible as I thought it would be and I've added a
couple tracks from the soundtrack to the music player for your listening pleasure.
In other news, Sony is apparently changing its ad company. Personally, I think this is long overdue. Sony's ads have
seemed like they're created by a bunch of tripped out drug addicts for years and I think that almost any company other than the one they have will serve them better. Lastly, I will
leave you with my opinion of reality TV shows.